
Professional Qualifications

• Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine (N.D.) awarded after four years of training at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine, the oldest Naturopathic medical school in the country. Currently licensed in Oregon (no license available in North Carolina at this time).

• Masters of Science in Oriental Medicine (M.S.O.M.) awarded after completing a three year program in Classical Chinese Medicine. Study included acupuncture and intensive training in the use and customization of Chinese herbal formulas. Licensed in North Carolina.

• Diplomate in Acupuncture (Dipl. Ac.) awarded from the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.

• Currently serving as Clinic Supervisor and Classroom Instructor for the Jung Tao School of Classical Chinese Medicine.

• Multiple trips to China and Tibet to undergo Qi Gong training and intensive instruction in Classical Chinese medical traditions.

• Member: American Association of Naturopathic Physicians

• Member: North Carolina Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine

• Additional training in Cranio-Sacral technique, the Bowen technique, and other advanced soft tissue manipulation modalities.

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